Webinar June 18th: Engaging Men in Gender Equality – A P&G Case Study

As part of our 2018 program, the LEAD Education Committee will be starting to build a D&I Practices library as a key resource database to help bring our mission to life and help our partners advance their D&I agenda.  As the LEAD Network is driven by the members, for the members, we want to put a key emphasis on sharing real life examples of activities, practices and tools that our partner companies have used and which have had a real impact on their business. We will be sharing these practices throughout the year in various formats: in the form of webinars, case studies, video interviews and workshops during our annual conference.

The case for gender equality is a clear one: it’s good for the business, it’s good for us as managers, and it’s good for the society. But achieving a gender inclusive, bias-free workplace is not easy. To be successful, we need the full engagement and commitment of everybody. It requires the leadership and voices of men and women.

For too long, gender inclusion has been framed as a women’s issue, overlooking the role that men play as champions of change. In partnership with Catalyst, we are in the third year of an initiative called MARC (Men Advocating Real Change). More than a training program, MARC is a dialogue designed to engage the hearts and minds of men as full partners in achieving gender equality inside and outside P&G.

In this webinar, members of the P&G MARC Core Team will share their story of launching the initiative, their journey of successes and learnings, as well as discuss re-applicability for other organizations.

“Attending a MARC workshop affects leaders in different ways. For me, it was transformational. I always thought I was rather “enlightened” in my attitudes towards gender equality. Through MARC, I realized that the depth of thinking and self-awareness I needed to make a real difference was simply not there. It is not enough just to say “I am for gender equality,” lead diversity reviews, or ensure that an affinity group has facilities to meet on a monthly basis. To be an effective leader of a diverse workforce, one has to make a deliberate, continuous effort to deeply understand the dynamics involved, engage in dialogue, and act.”

Giorgio Siracusa – Vice President, Human Resources, Europe at Procter & Gamble.

The full article was first published in P&G’s 2017 Citizenship Report, detailing our progress in improving social conditions for those in need, advancing Diversity & Inclusion, building a world free from gender bias inside and outside the Company and reducing our environmental footprint. To find out more about P&G’s efforts to be a Force for Growth and a Force for Good, visit their webpage here.

Also, if your organization has a success story to tell and is prepared to share it within the LEAD Network, please contact Christina Taylor from the Education Committee.

The webinar will take place on June 18th and LEAD Network members can register for free on the following link.

“Attending a MARC workshop affects leaders in different ways. For me, it was transformational. I always thought I was rather “enlightened” in my attitudes towards gender equality. Through MARC, I realized that the depth of thinking and self-awareness I needed to make a real difference was simply not there. It is not enough just to say “I am for gender equality,” lead diversity reviews, or ensure that an affinity group has facilities to meet on a monthly basis. To be an effective leader of a diverse workforce, one has to make a deliberate, continuous effort to deeply understand the dynamics involved, engage in dialogue, and act.”

Giorgio Siracusa – Vice President, Human Resources, Europe at Procter & Gamble.

The full article was first published in P&G’s 2017 Citizenship Report, detailing our progress in improving social conditions for those in need, advancing Diversity & Inclusion, building a world free from gender bias inside and outside the Company and reducing our environmental footprint. To find out more about P&G’s efforts to be a Force for Growth and a Force for Good, visit their webpage here.

Also, if your organization has a success story to tell and is prepared to share it within the LEAD Network, please contact Christina Taylor from the Education Committee.